
Internal regulations


Dear Parents,

We warmly welcome you back to Tunis Montessori School and look forward to advancing together on this educational journey with our children.

As a collaborative effort between parents and the educational team at Tunis Montessori School, we are committed to fostering our children’s growth and contributing to a better world.

Our institution is duly authorized by the Ministry of Women, Family, and Children and adheres strictly to the guidelines and instructions set forth by the kindergarten regulations.

Tunis Montessori School is a trilingual institution, offering instruction in English, Arabic, and French, rooted in the values of good conduct, civic responsibility, and mutual respect. Our school is dedicated to nurturing civic-mindedness, tolerance, and respect for others. Our educational approach is centered around the Montessori method, emphasizing the individual development of each child within a community setting, while respecting their unique pace and encouraging active engagement in a culture of exchange and relationship-building.

The purpose of these internal regulations is to outline the operational rules and mutual responsibilities within our community, aiming to safeguard the physical and psychological well-being of every child. These regulations provide a framework for all members of our school community to understand their role, fostering a dialogue-based and trustful relationship between parents and our attentive educational team. We encourage all educators and parents to actively support these regulations, ensuring a harmonious and effective school environment.

Our reception structure is located at 10 Rue Mohamed Bairem 5, Tunis – 2070 – la Marsa.

  1. Vision

To be a pioneering, leading, and caring child-centered education institution.

  1. Mission

Our mission is to educate our children with unwavering integrity and reliability, focusing on the comprehensive development of their moral, intellectual, physical, emotional, and social capacities.

  1. Core Values

 At Tunis Montessori School, our educational philosophy is underpinned by core values that guide our actions and interactions:

  1. Character: We prioritize education that cultivates love, self-sacrifice, compassion, grace, honesty, and integrity.
  2. Commitment: We are dedicated to fostering a sense of personal commitment within our school community.
  3. Excellence: Our commitment to excellence drives us to achieve the highest quality in every facet of our program.
  4. Knowledge: We are committed to combining moral development with academic knowledge, enabling students to reach their fullest potential in a nurturing environment.
  5. Accessibility: We believe in making our education accessible and affordable to all families who prioritize it.
  6. Diversity: Our school celebrates and respects diversity in all its forms, including economic status, abilities, social backgrounds, ethnicity, physical characteristics, gender, and religion, reflecting the beauty of God’s creation.
  7. Relationships: We strive to cultivate positive relationships within the school community, characterized by care and love.
  8. Service: Our administrators, teachers, students, and the extended school family exemplify a life of service.
  9. Wholistic Development: Our educational approach emphasizes the holistic development of each child, focusing on physical, mental, social, and moral growth as integral aspects of character formation.
  1. Admission of children

TUNIS MONTESSORI SCHOOL accepts children aged from 3 to 6 years old.

To proceed with the enrollment of your child at Tunis Montessori School, we kindly request that you provide the following documents:

  • the completed information sheet (on the website);
  • two-color identity photos;
  • a birth certificate (English, French, or Arabic);
  • a recent medical certificate proving the good health of the child, the aptitude for community life, and attesting the absence of contagious diseases established by his attending physician (not older than 6 months);
  • a copy of the vaccination record;
  • a copy of the parents’ national identity card;
  1. Schedule

The academic year for new children at Tunis Montessori School commences on September 9, 2024, and ends on June 27, 2025. We operate from Monday to Friday, providing a nurturing educational environment for our students.

Operating Hours:

Monday to Thursday: 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Friday: 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Arrival and Departure Times:

Morning Arrival: Between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. This allows children to settle in and engage fully in Montessori activities and workshops.

Afternoon Pickup: Between 3:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. from Monday to Thursday, and until 4:00 p.m. on Friday.

To support the focus and engagement of our students, the school gates will be closed from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

Please avoid visiting the school between 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. to minimize disruptions to the children’s work, meal times, and nap schedules.

Variable Schedules:

Parents with variable schedules must inform the educational team of their child’s specific arrival and departure times. Parental responsibility is activated upon entering the school premises.

Late Pickups:

It is crucial that children are picked up by the closing times: no later than 5:00 p.m. from Monday to Thursday and by 4:00 p.m. on Friday.

In the event a child is not collected after closing, the educational team will attempt to contact the parents. If unsuccessful, we will reach out to the appropriate authorities for the child’s safety.

Please be reminded that adhering to your child’s designated pick-up times is essential. Non-compliance with these times will incur a financial penalty of 40 DT for each day the policy is violated. This measure is in place to ensure the smooth operation of our school’s schedule and the safety of all children.

Consistent delays in pickup (three instances of being more than 15 minutes late within a term) may lead to a review of the child’s enrollment in accordance with our internal regulations.

We kindly ask all parents to adhere to these timings to ensure a smooth daily operation and to support the well-being and security of all our students.

  1. Communication

At Tunis Montessori School, we believe in the importance of clear and continuous communication between the school and families. To facilitate this, we utilize the following main channels:

  • Phone: Reach us at +216 58 777 088 or +216 58 777 083 for immediate assistance or inquiries.
  • Email: For detailed queries or to share information, email us at
  • App: KRIYO for Parents is our dedicated platform for parent communication, where we share reports, photos, announcements, and more to keep you updated on your child’s progress and school events (the Login and password will be given).


For formal appointments with the school’s administration, please use the following link to our website:

Important Reminder:

 Please ensure that your contact information remains up-to-date with us. Keeping us informed of any changes in your phone number, email, or address allows us to maintain effective communication and ensure you receive all important updates regarding your child and the school activities.

Your partnership and active participation are invaluable to us as we work together to provide a nurturing and enriching educational experience for our children. 

  1. School closures:

Tunis Montessori School is closed on official Tunisian public holidays, pedagogical days, ministry-organized events, force majeure situations, and vacations.

Pedagogical days:

At Tunis Montessori School, we dedicate specific days to pedagogical planning and comprehensive evaluation of our students’ progress. These days are crucial for our educational team to review and adjust plans and schedules, ensuring our teaching methods and activities are effectively supporting each child’s learning journey.

Purpose and Process:

The primary aim of our pedagogical days is to conduct a thorough evaluation of each student’s development and achievements after three months of academic activities. This evaluation encompasses various aspects of the child’s growth, including academic performance, social interactions, physical development, and emotional well-being.

Parental Involvement:

Following these evaluations, the school’s administration will schedule individual meetings with the parents of each child. The purpose of these meetings is to share insights and outcomes from the pedagogical days, providing parents with a detailed understanding of their child’s progress and areas of focus.

These discussions are an integral part of our commitment to maintaining open and constructive communication with parents. They offer an opportunity for parents to gain a deeper understanding of their child’s development, ask questions, and discuss ways to support their learning at home.

We value the active participation of parents in their child’s education and look forward to these meaningful exchanges as a way to strengthen the partnership between our school and families.


December 23-24

March 17-18

June 26-27

 Ministry-Organized Events

 As part of our collaboration with the Ministry of Education, we are occasionally required to host essential events that further our educational mission and community engagement. Consequently, Tunis Montessori School may be closed for up to three (3) days during the academic year to accommodate these events.

We will endeavor to communicate the dates of these closures well in advance to allow parents and guardians to make necessary arrangements. Please note, in alignment with our commitment to supporting these vital educational initiatives, no reimbursement will be provided for these specific closure days.


December 23 – January 05

March 17 – 30

Force Majeure

Force Majeure Definition:

Force Majeure refers to extraordinary events or circumstances beyond our control that prevent the school from fulfilling its obligations. This includes, but is not limited to, extreme weather conditions (such as hurricanes, floods, earthquakes), government actions or restrictions (including cuts of water or electricity), pandemics, emergencies, or any other acts of nature.

Impact on School Operations:

In the event of a force majeure situation, Tunis Montessori School prioritizes the safety and well-being of our students, staff, and community. As such, the school may be closed temporarily without prior notice. These decisions are made in consideration of official advisories and the severity of the situation.


The school will endeavor to communicate any closures or changes to the school schedule as promptly and clearly as possible through our official communication channels, including email, the school website, and social media platforms.

Financial Policy:

It is understood that during these periods of unforeseen closure due to force majeure events, the school will not be able to offer refunds or compensation for the lost instructional time. The school operates on a fixed cost basis, and the continuity of our operations and commitment to our staff and facility maintenance relies on the understanding and support of our community during these challenging times.

Continuity of Education:

Where feasible, and depending on the duration of the closure, the school may provide alternative learning options or resources to support our students’ continued education at home.

 Your Cooperation:

We request the understanding and cooperation of all families enrolled in Tunis Montessori School regarding this policy. It is our collective responsibility to navigate these challenging situations with compassion and resilience, ensuring the safety and security of our entire community.

  1. Adaptation period for New Students

 Recognizing the importance of a smooth transition into school life, we offer a structured adaptation period for new students. This period is designed to help children adjust to their new environment with ease and confidence, supported by close collaboration with parents.


The goal is to familiarize students with the school setting, fostering a sense of security and belonging. This helps in building trust and comfort, enabling children to participate fully in school activities.

 Adaptation Schedule:

 During the child’s first week, we follow a special adaptation schedule from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. to ease them into their new social life at school:

1st Day: School Introduction. A one-hour visit for parents and children to meet our team. Sharing information about the child’s routines and preferences is encouraged.

2nd Day: Gradual Separation. After a short joint session, the child stays alone at school for an hour, easing into the separation process.

3rd Day: Morning Session. The child spends the morning at school until noon, gradually adapting to the environment without parental presence.

4th Day: Extended Stay. The child remains at school through lunchtime, experiencing the canteen before leaving pre-nap time (13h).

5th Day: Full Day. The child participates in a full day of activities, fully integrating into the school day.

 Parental Involvement:

 Active participation from parents is crucial during this period. We encourage parents to remain engaged and communicative, ensuring a supportive transition for their child. Please also introduce any other caregivers who may pick up the child from school.

We value your cooperation in making this initial phase a positive and reassuring experience for your child as they begin their educational journey with us. 

  1. Parent Contact Details and Authorization Policy

 Maintaining up-to-date contact information for parents is crucial for ensuring the safety and well-being of our students at Tunis Montessori School. To facilitate effective communication, we require parents to adhere to the following guidelines: 

  • Immediate Notification of Changes: Parents are obligated to inform the school’s management promptly of any changes in contact details to ensure we can always reach you. 
  • Family Situation Updates: In the event of a divorce or any change in family circumstances, it’s essential to update the contact information for all relevant parties. The school also requires a copy of the legal judgment to accommodate the needs of the child accordingly. For cases involving alternating residence as ordered by a court, a copy of the decision must be provided to the school. Separate contracts will be drafted for each parent to reflect their specific family situations. 
  • Authorization for Child Pickup: Parents have the option to authorize additional individuals to pick up their child from school. These individuals must be over 18 years old, present a valid identity document upon pickup, and be pre-registered on the child’s information sheet as authorized persons. This ensures the safety and security of our students during pickup times. 

By adhering to these policies, we can work together to create a secure and responsive environment for all our students. We appreciate your cooperation and commitment to keeping our communication channels open and updated. 

  1. Health and Safety Handbook for Parents

 Medical supervision of children

 The medical service is provided by Doctor Triki Med Tijani registered with the Council of the Order of Physicians under number 4837 and whose medical office is located at n°07 rue Mohamed Ali Tabek – La Marsa (71 740 494 / 98 336 595 ).

Absences & Illness Policy

To maintain a safe and healthy environment at Tunis Montessori School, we ask parents to adhere to the following protocols:

Immediate Notification: Please inform the school’s Direction promptly of any incidents such as fever, falls, or unusual symptoms occurring at home.

Sick Children: For the protection of all students, children exhibiting sickness or fever cannot be accepted into the school. Should a child become ill or feverish during their time at the institution, it is crucial that we are able to contact you immediately. We require that you or another designated adult pick up the child as soon as possible.

Contagious Diseases: In the event that a child contracts a contagious disease, including pediculosis (lice), they must remain at home. A medical certificate must be presented upon the child’s return to school.

Allergy Management

Disclosure of Allergies: When filling out the registration form, it is essential that parents disclose all known allergies their child has.

Emergency Medication: Parents are required to provide the school with any necessary medication for their child’s allergies before the school year begins. This must include clear usage instructions, be signed by the parents, and be legalized.

 Accidents – Emergencies

 In the event of an accident, parents are immediately informed by the educational team.

If all the information requested is not provided and/or if it is impossible to reach the parents and/or the emergency situation requires it, the administration will take the necessary measures and will see to the delivery of the child to the clinic closest to the school.

Medical Treatment Policy

 To ensure the health and safety of our students, Tunis Montessori School adheres to the following medication guidelines: 

  • Medication Restrictions: Medication is generally not permitted on the kindergarten premises. We encourage parents to coordinate with their child’s doctor to schedule medication doses to be administered at home, ideally in the morning and evening. Please ensure no medicine is left in the child’s bag. The only exception is for medication related to chronic illnesses, which may be allowed under specific conditions.

Insurance Policy

 Tunis Montessori School is comprehensively insured, including Civil Liability, to cover a broad range of risks: 

  • Accident Procedures: In the unfortunate event of an accident occurring within school premises, it is crucial for parents to provide a medical report detailing the incident and any treatment received, along with all relevant bills from the medical facility, within two days following the accident. Failure to provide these documents within the specified timeframe may result in the inability to claim reimbursement from the insurance company. 
  1. Materials to be provided by parents 

  • 01 pair of Velcro slippers (ex. Crocs);
  • 01 pillow with case;
  • 01 duvet or blanket;
  • 01 soft toothbrush plus toothpaste (every 3 months);
  • 01 water bottle identified with the child’s name (INOX/BPA FREE);

Please ensure all your child’s supplies are labeled with their full name to prevent loss or confusion. Note that dorm supplies will be sent home every other Friday for washing and must be returned clean on Monday.

We cannot be responsible for items without identification.

  1. Dress Code and Personal Items Policy


To ensure a comfortable and conducive learning environment, please adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Clothing: Dress your child in comfortable, simple attire without precious jewelry or personal items, except for a cherished comforter. Clothes should be practical, promoting ease of movement and learning.
  • Labeling: All clothing must be clearly marked with your child’s name. We cannot be responsible for any lost or damaged items.
  • Spare Clothing: Provide two daily changes of clothes (including underwear, socks, pants/dress/jogging outfit, shoes for outdoor activities, slippers for indoor use, and a sun hat for summer) in a bag labeled with your child’s name. This bag will remain at the school.
  • Prohibited Items: Games, telephones, and tablets are not allowed in the establishment to maintain focus and prevent distractions. 
  1. Meals

Lunch Program:

Lunch is provided by Tunis Montessori School, featuring a seasonal and varied menu designed by nutrition specialists to meet children’s dietary needs. Fresh products are prioritized for balanced nutrition. Menus are displayed on the app’s notice board. Please inform staff of any diets, allergies, or intolerances; alternative meals in these cases should be provided by parents.


  • Parental Contribution: Parents are responsible for providing morning snacks on a rotational basis once a month, as scheduled by the team. This encourages a pedagogical moment of responsibility and collaboration between home and school.
  • Quality Matters: For collective snacks, bring seasonal fruits and vegetables sufficient for 30 children (e.g., 15 bananas, 15 apples, and 15 cucumbers). Morning snacks should be delivered by 9:30 a.m.
  • Billing: No deductions will be made from billing for meals provided by parents due to dietary restrictions.
  • Inability to Provide Snacks: If unable to provide snacks as scheduled, notify the school at least 1 day in advance. A fee of 100d per child will be charged for the school to arrange the necessary snacks.

Thank you for your cooperation in nurturing a healthy, collaborative, and convivial mealtime environment.

  1. Safety and Security Measures

 Video Surveillance:

Our facility is monitored with a 24-hour video surveillance system to enhance security and ensure the safety of all children and staff.

Prohibited Items:

 Jewelry: For safety, children should not wear jewelry, including necklaces, chains, and bracelets, to school.

 Toys and Dangerous Objects: Please ensure your child does not bring toys from home or any items that could be considered dangerous.

 Parental and Guardian Responsibility: While physically present on the school premises, parents and guardians are fully responsible for the supervision and safety of their children. This responsibility is paramount to ensuring a secure environment for all members of our school community.

No Smoking Policy: Smoking within the school premises is strictly prohibited to ensure a healthy environment for everyone.

 Safety Precautions: Before leaving home, check your child’s pockets for any items that could be valuable or pose a risk, such as buttons, coins, or flammable materials, to prevent any harm.

  1. Educational outings

By registering their child, the parents authorize the educational team to organize outings according to the age of the children and their psychomotor development such as walks, visits to museums, etc… Arrangements are made during these outings to guarantee the safety of children in compliance with the standards and laws in force in the country.

All extra events and activities of the school are optional and paid by the parents. 

  1. Siesta and Quiet Rest Time Policy

At our school, siesta time is optional for all students, with age-appropriate sleeping arrangements available for those who wish to rest. To cater to the diverse needs of our students, we ask parents to inform the pedagogical team of their preference for their child’s siesta routine, selecting from the following options:

Mandatory Sleep Optional Sleep Mandatory Awake

In addition to the siesta options, we provide a 30-minute quiet rest period for all children immediately after lunch, during which there are no scheduled activities. This ensures a calm environment for everyone to relax and recharge for the afternoon’s activities.

Please communicate your siesta and quiet rest time preferences to ensure we can best meet your child’s needs. 

  1. Degradation

Any damage caused by a child to the clothing of another child or school equipment, as well as to the building of the establishment engages the responsibility of the parents of the author of the damage. 

  1. Outside interference 

In some cases, when the team cannot manage a child with certain particular qualities such as behavioral deviation, social aggressiveness, or any type of deviation, the school has the right to charge the parents for a specialist depending on the deviation (psychologist, AVS). 

  1. Monthly Payment Policy 

School Year and Payments:

The academic year spans from September to June, comprising 10 monthly payments in addition to the enrollment fee. Payments are due by the 5th of each month and should be made directly to the administration, not to educators. The commitment to the school year is for its entire duration; monthly fees are owed in full for each month regardless of any absences, as the school maintains continuous insurance and resources for each student throughout the year. 


Parents wishing to withdraw their child from the school must provide written notice at least one month in advance. Please note that no refunds will be issued for cancellation or termination of enrollment or monthly payments, irrespective of the circumstances.

 This policy ensures the school can plan and allocate resources effectively, guaranteeing the highest quality education for all students.

  School Year Payment Overview 

The annual fee for the school year, running from September to June, encompasses the following:

Item Price excluding tax VAT 7% All taxes included price
Preschool service including the main meal (once every month) 933.645 d 65.355 d 999.000 d (10 payments)
Registration fees, insurance, supplies for work, etc (once a year) 933.645 d 65.355 d 999.000 d
Tax stamp (each bill) 1 d
  1. Contract Termination

 The establishment reserves the right to terminate the contract for

  • non-compliance with the internal regulations and non-compliance with team members;
  • a state of health incompatible with regular admission to a structure;
  • non-payment of invoices more than 5 days from its invoicing;
  • one case of three delays of more than 15 minutes to pick up the children during a trimester;
  • when a child’s actions have the potential to hurt other kids or adults;

Last update: 21/02/2024


Acknowledgment and Consent Form

By signing this document, I, the undersigned, acknowledge and agree to the following terms as a parent or guardian of a child enrolled at Tunis Montessori School:

  1. Regulations Agreement: I understand that the school regulations are subject to change based on the needs of the establishment. I have been informed of these rules and expressly commit to adhering to them.
  1. Emergency Health and Safety Measures: I hereby authorize Tunis Montessori School to take all necessary actions regarding the health and safety of my child in the event of an emergency, ensuring their well-being is prioritized.
  1. Media Consent: I grant permission to Tunis Montessori School to capture and utilize photographs and videos of my child participating in school activities for the purpose of promoting the school’s educational services. This may include use in publications, presentations, websites, or social media platforms.
  1. Psychological Observation Consent: I consent to Tunis Montessori School arranging for the affiliated psychologist to observe my child as deemed necessary by the school, to support their educational and developmental needs.
  1. Receipt and Agreement to Internal Rules: I acknowledge that I have received and reviewed a copy of the internal rules of Tunis Montessori School. I fully understand the content and hereby agree to comply with these regulations.

In witness whereof, I affix my signature below to signify my understanding and agreement to the terms outlined in this document.

Signature: __________________________

Print Name: _________________________

Date: ______________________________

For your convenience, we have made our internal regulations available for download. By clicking the link below, you can access a comprehensive document detailing our policies and procedures. This document serves as a valuable resource for current and prospective families and staff, ensuring transparency and fostering a shared understanding of our school’s values and operational guidelines.

Download Our Internal Regulations